Smoke Control Systems

Smoke Control Systems

BC 1704.14

1704.14 Special inspection for smoke control. Smoke control systems shall be tested by a special inspector in accordance with Sections 1704. 14.1 and 909.

1704. 14.1 Testing scope. The test scope shall be as follows:

  • During erection of ductwork and prior to concealment for the purposes of leakage testing and recording of device location.
  • Prior to occupancy and after sufficient completion for the purposes of pressure difference testing, flow mea­surements and detection and control verification.

Special Inspection: Smoke Control Systems
Code Section(s): BC 1704.14
Minimum Qualifications: Primary Inspector or Inspection Supervisor. 

  • PE or RA; and
  • 1 year relevant experience (mechanical and/or fire protection)
Supplemental Inspector (Alternative 1)

  • Not Applicable
Supplemental Inspector (Alternative 2)

  • Technician with NEBB Air Balancer Certification, AND three years relevant experience.