

BC 1704.24

1704.24 Chimneys. New and altered chimneys shall be subject to special inspection. The chimney shall be inspected to verify compliance with the approved construction documents, and proper clearance or isolation from adjacent combustible con­struction. Testing of the chimney shall be performed in accor­dance with Section 810 of the New York City Mechanical Code.

Exception: A pressurized smoke test need not be performed on an existing negative pressure chimney if the lining of such chimney is not affected by alterations and the regis­tered design professional specifies on the approved con­struction documents that such test does not need to be performed on such chimney.

Special Inspection: Chinmeys
Code Section(s): BC 1074.24
Minimum Qualifications: Primary Inspector or Inspection Supervisor.
a. PE/RA
b. 1 year relevant experience
Supplemental Inspector (Alternative 1)
a. Bachelor’s degree in Architecture or Engineering and
b. 2 years relevant experience
Supplemental Inspector (Alternative 2)
a. Technician with ICC Certification as a Residential or Commercial Mechanical Inspector; and
b. 5 years relevant experience

Inspection Task: Inspection Interval (Continuous/Peri odic) NYC Construction Code Reference Section Reference Standard (e.g. ASTM X1234) Baseline Document (Approved plans, Shop Drawings, Manufacturer’s Instructions, etc.) Comments (e.g. needs test performed by Approved Testing Agency)
1. Become familiar with the approved construction documents applicable to teh chimneys to be installed. Determine if the design requires a smoke test. If req’d, determine who is required to schedule and provide teh procedure, equipment and demonstrate the test. Periodic: Prior to commencement of construction of the chimney. MC Chapter 8,

FGC Chapter 5

NFPA 54/NFGC • Approved construction documents

• Approved plumbing & mechanical plans

• Approved submittals

This special insp. does not apply to ‘vents’ as defined in MC & FGC Chapter 2 of those codes. Exhaust pipes are subject to this Special Inspection per MC 811.1
2. Verify applicable work permit is valid & posted Periodic: Prior to commencement of daily site inspection Standard DoB Work Permit(s)
3. For alteration of existing chimney, or change in grade or type of fuel, determine the scope of applicability for the requirements of testing inspection, verification as relates to the specific scope of alterations Periodic: Prior to commencement of final site inspection and prior to commencement of any testing MC Chapter 8

FGC Chapter 5

BC 1704.24

• Approved construction documents

• Approved plumbing & mechanical plans

• Approved submittals

4. Verify that the chimney components, materials, foundations, liners, drains, gaskets, cements/ adhesives, refractory, fans, controls, dampers, connectors, access panels, laddders, inspection ports, cleanouts and supporting structure are installed per the approved plans, with proper tolerance and clearances Periodic: Prior to commencement of any testing MC Chapter 8

FGC Chapter 5

BC 1704.24

• Approved construction documents

• Approved plumbing & mechanical plans

• Approved submittals

5. Verify combustion/ make-up air louvers, mechanical equipment and controls are installed and operational periodic: Prior to commencement of any testing MC Chapter 8

FGC Chapter 5

BC 1704.24

• Approved construction documents (106)

• Approved plumbing & mechanical plans

6. Witness the smoke test if applicable. Verify the conduct and the results of the test meet the standard indicated in the code. Witness the test run under combustion conditions for all chimneys Periodic for the set up of the test. Continuous for the conduct adn witnessing of the tests MC 810

FGC 503.5.6.4 & 5

• Approved construction documents

• Approved plumbing & mechanical plans

7. For manufactured chimneys, Inspect to the standard Indicated in the manufacturers Installation and Inspection guidelines. Note: Apply MC810/FGC 503.5.6.4 & 5 unless the manufacturers guidelines require a more restrictive standard Periodic for the set up of the test. Continuous for the conduct and witnessing of the tests MC 810

FGC 503.5.6.4 & 5

• Approved construction documents

• Approved plumbing & mechanical plans

• Approved submittals

8. Issue final TR-1 form Periodic MC Chapter 8

FGC Chapter 5

BC 1704.24